It's August already. August 1st to 6th
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Our first - but hopefully not the last - dahlia. None of the other dahlias we planted have any buds yet.
This is a house plant - an orchid cactus - outside for the summer.
The red orchid cactus is starting to bloom too. They refuse to bloom if they aren't put outside.
The climbing rose outside the kitchen window has a new round of blossoms.
This climbing rose is hiding on the far side of the arch in the front yard.
The orange day lilies have been faithfully blooming for a month. Not many buds left.
The climbing rose on the east side of the back deck and patio is blooming again too.
This bamboo was in a smaller pot until today.
A baby dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) - a volunteer from the big tree next door - has been given a larger pot to grow in.
After a couple of days there are now four orchid cactus blossoms on the same stem!
The lily bed fences are all removed today declaring it the end of lily season.
This new bed is ready for the trees to be transplanted.
More than 200 kg of dirt and rock was removed from that narrow strip and new topsoil/compost put in.
Spireas transplanted into the new space.
Taken 26:06:2023
Taken 05:08:2023
Indoors - the maiden hair fern get bugs and its leaves turn brown. The solution is to repot it in fresh soil once a year and cut of all tops with any brown showing. After five weeks it's back to being green and healthy.
This plant is more than 40 years old. We received it from Allan's sister Edna in 1981.
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