Tree Removal next door June 5th
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The people next door have (had) a yard much like ours with a lot of big birch, spruce and fur trees. Five of which were deemed to be "leaning" and likely to fall in high winds. So they are having them removed this week. Now this involves a company coming in and taking the tree down from the top. Some one climbs up the tree with a chain saw and cuts off limbs on the way up then cuts off 8 to 10 foot chunks of the trunk dropping them to the ground. (The ground crew controls the direction of fall by pulling it over with a rope). The company has a device that will chip limbs etc up to about 5 inches in diameter, but the bigger stuff (trunk and big limbs) are the responsibility of the owner to remove. Figure they have 1.5 cords of trunk rounds to get out of there. (A round from an 18 inch diameter birch tree would be around 90 to 100 pounds) By the way, the birch tree did lean over our garden shed and Allan figured it was going to come down and build us a new shed.
We had a big leaf maple tree break off in a wind storm, about 30 feet up shortly after we moved here and had these same guys take it out for us. That one tree cost about $1000.
These are iPhone pictures, and resized for faster loading, if you want better detail click on them for a popup.
8 AM The chain saws have started up but it still looks like it has for the past seven years.
9:15 AM One spruce is gone and they're working on the next. It already looks lighter.
12:45 PM The second spruce is gone and now they're de-limbing the birch that has leaned over our yard without falling for all this time.
2:15 PM Now the big birch is gone.
3:30 PM Our back yard is going to get a lot more afternoon sun.
5:15 PM This is the current "fence" between our yards. It remains to be seen what happens to it. You can also see open air at the back of their yard where two more spruce were removed.
Excavation starts in the back yard! There is going to be a 'block' retaining wall installed. This part is about 24 inches from the side of our shed and right on the property line.
This is not the start of work but you can see how close the digging happens to one of our trees.
This is the corner between us them and the condo development behind the two yards.
This is suppose to be the height of the finished retaining wall. when complete our yard will cover about 6 inches of the wall.
Standing closer to the wall, and looking into the back yard. Wonder what is going to happen when they get to that tree?
Sheila is standing on grade beside the wall. So you can see what we are going to live with. Any body know a graffiti artist?
Looking straight down at some cut off roots. These are 10 or 12 feet from the base of the tree.
From the angle of the roots and the base of the tree this is the tree who's root are cut off. It is a big leaf maple, likely 40 feet high, which at some point in it history some fool had it pilliated (big limbs shortened) so it looked better. Now it looks like a big sail, to catch the wind and the trees protecting it have been removed.
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