2022 Amaryllis Collection
Starting January 13th

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Just in case you think I only grow amaryllises - the Zygo cactuses like to bloom for Easter too!

The last of this year's amaryllises. There are two pots of these, which ended up blooming at the same time, later than all the rest. Two blossoms on one bulb, three on the other. They are not as large as the earlier red flowers.

The double one is not quite as large, but the only one with this many petals. I think it was my second bulb and is now the oldest one left.

This pale pink and white is very large light the white one below. There are four buds on this stem.
This plant is an offspring of my very first amaryllis, received as a gift, that got me sucked into this collection!

The big red on below hasn't faded yet, and now we have this intense pink! Both have only two blossoms on the stem, but make up for it with size.

This one is called Barbados Dark Red. It's larger and darker than the earlier red ones.

Look who's back! This is a new blossom stem on the Picotee bulb that bloomed first over a month ago! This is the first time we've ever had one re-bloom in the same season.

Check out the size of the white one compared to the reds, which are regular size!

BIG - 8 inch - blossoms on this one! It has just opened, but there will be four blossoms on this stem.

This red and white is an older bulb with smaller blossoms, but they are always bright. It's not quite fully open here.

This is a new one for us. Given to me by my friend Shelley Combs after it bloomed for her last year.
The red is even more intense than you see in the picture!
There will be eight blossoms by the time it has finished blooming.

Plant number two in bloom. This one is called Exotic Stripe. It has only two blossoms, but there are two more plants that will be the same.
More flowers will be coming soon.

Although Sheila already has about 20 amaryllis plants, she can't resist buying more. This one was purchased last fall and planted as soon as it arrived. Its name is Picotee.

Watch this space for more blossoms as the older bulbs come into bloom.

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