Herring Fishery March 3rd
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One of the trawlers! Not that it should be fished! Hopefully the Herring fishery will be banned SOON, and this will be one of the last years it happens.
Part of the watchers! The gulls waiting for the nets to be hauled up, and any spillage for afternoon lunch. The greenish line in the water (just above and to the left of the far flock of gulls) is the free floating sperm from the herring, but the water here is too shallow to fish.
This is an Apple 180o pano of the beach at Point Holmes. With the Herring trawlers (the black specks right on the horizon line) fishing.
The next day the herring are still there. Along with more gulls than you've ever seen gathered in one place - having a feast!
Most of the trawlers have moved on today.
There were several people on the beach as well as gulls.
It was a very popular spot today!
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