Yard work and flowers.
June 23rd to 28th.

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Allan moved a 2x2 cement block to the doorway of the shed. He is also working on adding some smaller blocks to the sidewalk at the back of the house. His shoulders complained!


The peony buds are starting to open. If you look close there is just a touch of pink on the edges of some of the petals.

This plant has fewer blossoms this year because last year it was dug up and split in two to send a piece to our niece in Calgary.

The pink one with dozens of buds is starting to bloom. There will be many more in a few days.


One of the dwarf lilies has a blossom.

And this plant is all aglow!

Wait two days and this new lily is blooming beside the peonies. It's even more intense red than the picture shows!


Another dwarf lily is blooming.

These taller ones are right beside it.


The climbing rose by the back deck has lots of blossoms part way up.

There will soon be many more at the top! This is one stem of five that are covered in buds.

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