Cherry Tree Prune
March 3rd

Click image for enlargement.
View in the Morning View in the Afternoon

This pair of images were taken with an iPhone, left at about 8:00 am on our way out to get groceries. The right taken at 2:00ish after the crew left.

This pair are the start and stop frames from the Raspberry Pi camera that took the stills for the time lapse video.

This pair were taken with the Nikon camera that we do most of our web site pictures. Left taken just before the crew came, and right taken on Saturday afternoon.

This is how about half of the higher branches were pruned. Young lady safely tied to the upper levels, climbing around. She had a second rope attached to her anchor point, that stabilized the limbs she was standing on.
This is a low res, compressed time lapse video of the whole process.

Images taken every 2.5 minutes by a Raspberry Pi Zero W SBC (single Board computer) with an older micro camera.

The images were assembled with iMove, on a MAC and exported to .mov format from QuickTime on the MAC.

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