June Roses and Peony
11th. to 15th.

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The pink peony is a whole bouquet now.


Our new rose has a large golden blossom.

The bracts at the top of the Japanese dogwood have turned pink.


The bracts at the bottom, in the shade, have stayed almost white.

The yellow allium is in full bloom.


Our new Forever Amber rose will have lots of blossoms.

Up close to the allium.


Given a couple of days, the peony blossoms are even bigger, but weighed down by some overnight rain.

The snapdragons should bloom all summer too.


This was the first foxglove to bloom three weeks ago. Now all its blossoms are at the top.

More lilies blooming.

The white peony is still puffy too.

The outside stairs are due for a tune-up tomorrow! After ten-ish years there are a couple which are out of level front to back, shifted side to side.

They also are in need of a power wash, which is about to happen as soon as I get the power washer running! (I HOPE)

The Hot Cocoa rose is blooming now along with the yellow climbing rose.


A blossom at the bottom of the climbing rose beside the back deck.

And another blossom up at the top.

The bare front yard looked empty so we bought some pots, and some plants and put them together.

This one should be a short ornamental grass.


We already had this dracaena, but moved it to a larger pot and a more obvious spot in the yard.

This is a canna lily with a different blossom, and a bit of dianthus to share the pot.


This grass should get to be about 6 feet tall.

Another canna in a different colour and more dianthus.


Here are the pots scattered around the front yard.


Our spireas are blooming.

These two spireas used to be in pots. They appear to be very happy to be in the ground. Between them is a small pompom hydrangea that has been moved several times. It looks like it might grow now too.

About 900 lbs of rock was removed from this small bed to be able to plant them!


We have been picking MANY strawberries!

The peas are blooming.


And the spinach and lettuce are ready for picking.

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