Murder in the Back Yard
June 16th.

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These are the three espalier apple trees in our back yard. Having come from Kelowna where we had several of our own apple trees with an unlimited supply of apples they were planted shortly after we moved the Courtenay.
Over the years the Big Leaf Maples, and pine trees, in the back of the yard have grown enough so that these three don't get enough sun/heat in blossom time to actually blossom.


The stump from the left hand tree (Fuji) is all that is left.

Next the right hand tree (Spartan) is gone!


Finally the Honey Crisp tree in the center is gone! Each tree took about 15 minutes to prune them back so only the main trunk is left.

The Fuji and Spartan were selected because they traditionally blossom one before and one after this Honey Crisp. The Honey Crisp is not self fertile so hopefully one or the other of the side trees would be in blossom at the right time.

As well the stainless steal support wires and turn buckles have been removed from the posts.


Clean up the Columbine and weeds with a line trimer. The post that held the water hose and the end of the espalier wires is gone. And the irrigation lines will have the drippers/sprayers replaced shortly.

The starting point for today. Remove the three trunks!

A couple of hours later, and they are gone!

Next trick is going to be to move the irrigation controller over next to the patio in a little shadier area. BUT there is one pipe that goes to the back of the yard that can't be dug up and moved so there is going to be a little creativity here.


This is one of the leaves from the Gravenstein, and it is about twice the size it should be if the tree was getting enough sunlight.


The Gravenstein before it was murdered!

And 20 minutes later the body is cut up into small pieces and on its way to the big yard waste dump.

As it is 28oC today and very sunny its hard to picture the changes. The irrigation controller is now moved away from the sunny spot on the back wall, and reconnected and working!

That odd tap between the post and house is so the water to the irrigation controller can be shut off and leave the water on to the garden hose.

Edging along the sidewalk and all the gravel and dirt pulled away from the back wall of the house to eliminate rot spreading up the wood frame in the wall.

This is how the yard looks now!

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